Sunday 1 July 2012


We went looking for a very old menhir a week or so ago (Diana Martin and Phillipa were visiting then) and we were driving by and saw it in the middle of a farmers field full of barley. So then we parked our cars and searched back along our path for any kind of path marked or unmarked, because everyone said there were paths to stuff like this in Sweden that were just tracks of dirt on some field, and they were completely unmarked or signposted. So we kept on searching and looking till eventually we decided we were in the wrong place or you couldn't get to it at all. So we all piled back in the cars and drove up the road more and talked about maybe going to spend the day at the beach or something. About 200m up the road we came to a pullout parking lot with some cars in it, a sign with a picture of the menhir and a description and history of it, and the entrance to a small foot path leading to it. So then we thought we couldn't miss seeing the menhir after all that, so we all got out and walked down the footpath and the menhir was very impressive, even though it wasn't as tall as it was made because the top was stuck by lightning and fell off, and it was still much taller then the tallest standing stone at Stonehenge.

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