Yesterday we drove back from the Croisat's and experienced the most incredible, scary, big lightning storm I have ever seen. It started far away, and I saw some fork lightning which I thought was really cool. I couldn't even hear it at that point. But then it moved gradually closer until it was practically on top of us. We all sat on our covered deck to experience a bit of this. At one point a giant bolt covered the entire sky and lit everything up completely, followed in less than a second by the loudest thunder I had ever heard. I had to clap my hands over my ears, Lise too. It sounded sharp, not at all a rumble. I got a couple bolts on video. The rain was mostly pelting down really hard.
The storm went on for a long time, maybe an hour (Lise thinks two). We moved back inside after about 20 min, it got to be a bit too much.
Yesterday was also the beginning of Gishwhes, a global scavenger hunt myself, Julias, and Lise are participating in. So I was working on a Gishwhes item last night in the middle of a giant thunderstorm.
Today we cleaned up the apartment and left. We are currently on our way back to Bern for two nights to pick up the camping supplies we left there. The people who actually live there will be there this time, so we'll be in the basement suite.
We stopped at a grocery store, but it was closed because it's Sunday. I was hoping to get skittles for a Gishwhes item. The hunt lasts a week, which is good because we'll have a portion of the hunt at Drake and Anna's house, which gives us a lot more resources to complete items. Some items are much more easily done at home. I'm looking forward to doing this next year when I can go all out and use everything at home and in my town. For now, it's a photo scavenger hunt on the road, which comes with its own challenges.
We got to Bern. We spent the entire evening doing Gishwhes stuff. I researched where to buy etch-a-sketches in the UK on our driving route. Tobin practiced making faces. Jeff did some video stuff on the computer. We managed to find skittles at a rest stop on the way here (they were in a cardboard package like smarties normally are), so I tried various pens on them to see the result. You know, normal evening stuff.
We are now staying in the basement suite of the house because the actual residents are present. They're very nice, by the way. We had a bit of a chat with Horst the dad and the others later as well. The suite has a motel feel to it, because we're all sleeping in the same one room which also contains the kitchen corner and table. The one bathroom is a small room off of the main one. It's very cozy, and kinda nice when people are not grumpy but I can see how living here for a long time with five people would be a bit crazy. I would probably be out of the house a lot.
We had rice and canned ratatouille and apples and various other food bits for dinner. We're getting down to the last bits of our food. Leftovers from everywhere we bought stuff. So I think most of our next meals until we get on the plane to London will be bits and bobs of whatever we have to eat.
Tomorrow we'll go out to Bern and possibly another ropes course place like the accrobranche in France. Tomorrow is Switzerland's national holiday, so there will be decorations and crowds in Bern as well as fireworks and barbecues in the evening. We will probably join in the Posthaus' (family we're staying with here) barbecue for dinner. I'm hoping that we'll have a lot more time for Gishwhes tomorrow, because there are still so many items to complete.

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